

From now on, I am gonna start collectin/asking people, ASKING YOU GUYS! to send me a picture, or let me take it by myself, of you wearing The Bronze Medal. Face / faceless, absolutely free, of course! 

By now, these are the ones I have. Hopefully many more an the way. So here I invite you, if you want, to join in and share your own bronze-look, you are more than welcome! please send me the image to thebronzemedalapparel@gmail.com or message me in facebook site

Thanks to these guys here, and thanks to all costumers in general, for supporting and the kind words. 

Jan wearing the "black-bleck-blick-block-bluck" textured print tshirt, and looking very cool at his bathroom in Barcelona. 

Lena wearing the "draw a blank" top on her own way, very different looks!

 Photos via Lena's instagram.

Noe enjoying the sun in Bristol wearing a special piece: her scarf-snood. 
Photo via Instagram. 

A gentleman drinking white wine somewhere in Italy and letting his "black-bleck-blick-block-bluck" geometric sateen sweater shine shine shiiiineeee! 
Photo via Instagram. 


Addams Family

I am very sorry that I am not updating the blog... that it has been already about two weeks... Yes, said that many times before, but, I am very busy at the moment, just working on a lot of new things and since I was back in Berlin and back into my regular environmnet I have been invaded by different ideas that I have to bring to reality, which takes a lot of time, and these days is taking me about 10h/day.
I promise thatk, beside this, there are other things cooking, and I will reveal soon ;)

On the other hand, I am using quite a lot instagram and facebook just to make some fast updates about what I am working on (and sometimes -most times- just posting random stuff, haha).

So, for now, I actually show you now that photoshoot that I think I already promised weeks ago... I met that photographer, Lena Sonríe, in Barcelona and she created this atmosphere using some of the "black-bleck-blick-block-bluck" project garments. So here are the final pictures !!

JAQUARD TOP can be purchased at Flamingos Gallery - Cougar Collection (Tallers, 68. Barcelona)
JAQUARD DRESS can be purchased in Berlin by emailing me (thebronzemedalapparel@gmail.com), not available at the online shop.

PRESSED WOOL DRESS (above, middle) can be purchased at Flamingos Gallery - Cougar Collection (Tallers, 68. Barcelona) 



This week I am coming back to Berlin after this little Barcelona-adventure, in which I have met very nice people, made some new friends, had unforgettable moments, laught a lot and also made great contacts and business for the present and future. Quite happy for that. 

Now is time to bring to reality all the ideas and sketches I have been working on here, bring all those new materials with me and just..build something cool out of them. 

So, yeah, new look, neew face for a new season. 

See you on the markets. 

These pictures are part of the brand new appearance of the facebook fan page, please like it if you do like what I do, and follow on instagram as well if you have an account in there too.