
Fighting the Harshness

Spring vs. Autumn
Flowers vs. Branches
Green vs. Grey
Sunshine vs. Cloudiness
Warm vs. Cold
Long days vs. Short Days
Shine vs. Darkness
Brightness vs. Obscurity
Skin vs. Coat
Grass vs. Soil
Picnic vs. Sofa
Softness vs. Hardness


La Baraja Gitana

Do you remember this? And this? Ok now, just a bit of the same, but different. 

Tshirt is sold, but preparing a couple of t-dresses for cuttie-dark fellas. 

* The gipsy deck


More White Noise


At least from the part of the creaton (my part), because I looooove this fabric, and Iguess also from those costumers who bought a piece of the White Noise serie. Anyway, the news are that there are gonna be more and more White Noise garments  available, in Berlin Markets, atelier (by appointment) and also in Barcelona Market on the 1st december in Demanoenmano market at Estació de FranÇa. Hopefully more dates will be confirmed soon. 

Actually here are two good news already, more White (annoying) Noise and dates for Barcelona ! If you are around and would like to pass by, check out the Barcelona facebooook event, I will update any new reports and so on. 

Thanks for wearing, liking, and having great words every day more. 


Go Graphic !

Just a break between the smooth and the textures,  two of the basic principles of The Bronze Medal, but still on the black and white
I would say, maybe even say again, if you do not know yet, that I go for the harmony, the clarity, the innocence, the simplicity, the brightnes. And even so I have used graphics before, of course, I feel a total difference here. Maybe on the chaos of the print. I cannot tell. Maybe it already was a bit like that on the White Noise serie, but somehow it was on the course. 

I guess I will have to explain some day what is actually the course about, or what it means to me or even what do I want to explain. But, you know, "to define is to limit"  (Oscar Wilde in "Picture of Dorian Gray") and I presume I am still looking for that, in any case. 

Both pieces are sold already, but still working with these fabrics. 


The first "untitled"

It was just a matter of time...out of words to name this post. Mostly because, actually, it was just an unexpected shoot with me as a model, pretending that I know what I am doing.  If you follow The Bronze Medal in facebooook, you maybe saw this picture already but, if not, now you do ;) 

My apologizes for updating the blog with this, maybe not much interesting, post, but I am running out of time on many orders and projects, and work in general. I promise nicer things to come. 

Anyway, interesting post or not, the faux suede on black and leopard print sweater is already sold out on this version, also in another version, so at least they do are/were interesting to be choosen. 


Left Behind

From this photoshoot, I chose that photo for the campaign of the project Draw a Blank and today I want to show the rest. So here they are. 

It is a white cotton on the back/white vegetal print jaquard on the front jersey (seen before here), and it has no more mistery than being a bohemian, romantic and naif styled piece, that has been already sold out. 


To Dress a Man

When I sold this piece to a vert stylish guy, and being amazed by how awesome he looked like, I started to think about the fact of making actually a kind of dresses, like that one, or this one, also focused on boys because, as many things, mostly in whole world of fashion, every piece changes just depending on what you wear it with, and 

So we made the photoshoot thinking about that and, with such success, that it was sold to another man. 


Two Tops

Pieces of an urban astroanut, a centurion outfit, a masquerade ball piece. A bit here, a bit there... et voilá ! 

p.s: lately obssesed with white sateen with small percent of elastane.

The one above is still available, the one below was sold already


Masquerade Ball

Yes, that white-beige-grey-turquoise upholstery fabric is a look back to the 90s. Here mixed with white sateen (2 % elastan) to complete the Draw a Blank piece, which rests its meaning in the random layout of color strokes.

This sweater is already sold out, but I am making a pair more, using other different textures/materials to mix with.

It will fit with all kind of faces :)  


Centurion Crest

Picture by Del Yelmo Photography
The luck of having new spots for photoshooting and create scenes that fit with The Bronze Medal. Here I show a texture mix white cotton jersey, part of that new project called Draw a Blank,already sold. 

Three blues mohair wool blend into a snood, coming soon at The Mesh Label Collection, and available at the online shop

Picture by Del Yelmo Photography

Picture by Del Yelmo Photography

Picture by Del Yelmo Photography

Picture by Del Yelmo Photography
Picture by Del Yelmo Photography
Picture by Del Yelmo Photography