Just a break between
the smooth and
the textures,
two of the basic principles of The Bronze Medal, but still on the
black and white.
I would say, maybe even say again
, if you do not know yet, that I go for
the harmony, the clarity, the innocence, the simplicity, the brightnes. And even so I have used graphics before, of course, I feel a total difference here. Maybe on the chaos of the print. I cannot tell. Maybe it already was a bit like that on the
White Noise serie, but somehow it was
on the course.
I guess I will have to explain some day what is actually the course about, or what it means to me or even what do I want to explain. But, you know, "to define is to limit" (Oscar Wilde in "Picture of Dorian Gray") and I presume I am still looking for that, in any case.
Both pieces are sold already, but still working with these fabrics.